What to Expect from Clinical Supervision

After years of essays, textbooks, and tests, the time has finally come to show the world what you got through clinical supervision. So what's next? Finding a supervisor who can help you learn the ropes and fine-tune your skills.

Finding the right supervisor makes a huge difference in launching your career as a clinician. Once you've chosen your supervisor, here's what to expect from the clinical supervision process.

What to Expect with Clients

Depending on the practice you're with, there may be different client focuses. For instance, the majority of clientele may be children and families. Their ethnicity also plays a role. Knowing the type of clientele you're working with is important in providing a safe space.

These people might have a different life story than you, but your journey thus far has made you capable of deeply understanding them and treating them with respect. Nonetheless, cultural competency is crucial.

While there’s not a checklist you can follow to become an inclusive person, success comes from genuine curiosity and care for each client. Remember, it's a mindset and a lifestyle

Therapeutic Techniques

You'll probably have an idea before starting your clinical supervision process of the techniques used for treatment. Some practices can be specified to one or two modalities, but many offer a range of options. This is a great opportunity to explore and learn about different techniques in action.

Different techniques will work for different clients. So having an open mind and spirit of learning is important. You may even have an "a-ha" moment where you discover a technique that really resonates with you and that you may want to dive deeper into. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek insight from your supervisor.

You may also see "a-ha" moments as you're working with clients and they reach a point of clarity and progress in their healing journey. These breakthrough realizations can come from anywhere, and anyone can have them, no matter what they’re struggling with. This is what being a counselor is all about—helping people find and learn how to use the tools they need to live a better life. 

Supervision Style

Your supervisor will have their own supervision style. Like you, they are also seeking to further develop their professional skill. Talk to your supervisor about how they like to approach things.

They may draw therapeutic inspiration from:

  • Somatic and expressive arts

  • Solution-focused therapy

  • Jungian therapy

  • Psychodynamic

  • Attachment and EFT

  • EMDR

Tweaking your therapeutic technique over the years is key to becoming the best therapist you can be. Go where your inspiration guides you. Your supervisor is there to encourage you to explore styles that are unfamiliar to you. Because each client is different, a “one size fits all” approach to treatment won't work. Having a range of approaches is important in helping different people succeed and reach a better place.

You can view this mentoring process in the same way! Supervisees are different professionals with different goals, and it's the supervisor's job to help you reach your “final form”. They're there for pre-appointment pep talks, sage advice, or a kind (but honest) nudge in the right direction. 

How to Make the Most of Clinical Supervision

Ask yourself: what are your biggest aspirations as a future therapist? Do you struggle with diagnostic accuracy? Crave more confidence with a specific client demographic? Never get bored learning new clinical approaches? 

Whatever you’re interested in during clinical supervision, your supervisor is your trusted guide. 

Ready to begin your clinical supervision? Let’s chat! I'm a “corporate deserter” with a strong background in business and leadership. My approach is an open-minded and diverse one. We'll tailor your experience based on your unique needs.

In addition to leading you through the supervision process, I can also provide insight on developing and managing a private practice, as well as marketing yourself as a clinician.

Contact me today to see if Key Insights Counseling should be your home for clinical supervision.


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